Saturday, November 27, 2010

#21--Haunted by the Mares

It feels like it's been a long week. And maybe it has.

I've had some pretty icky dreams this week that I'd rather not get into at the moment, rather, I'll just mention that they were pretty terrible and didn't make me feel very good overall upon waking.

Most of the holiday week was spent with housework and such, and the first part of the week was rather productive, but I've been slacking off the last part. This makes me feel irresponsible, but I suppose that's how it goes.

There has been a lot on my mind lately as well. I will also not get into these things right now, because I don't want to go into it.

Ha, so let this be the most vague blog posting ever! :-D

I don't mean to be vague but whatever. Take it or leave it.

I really want to start my new job. I really want to get this loan stuff figured out, because honestly its killing me.

I suppose all things will happen in time, as they need to.

More later I guess.


  1. Bad dreams bad dreams go away
    good dreams good dreams here to stay
    Bad dreams bad dreams go away
    good dreams good dreams here to stay
    Bad dreams bad dreams go away
    good dreams good dreams here to stay

    You have to say it three times to make it come true ya know...

  2. Where does this comes from actually (apart from Grey's Anatomy) ? Is that a prayer or something ?

  3. Mat, i think he just made it up. :) cuz Jason does stuff like that.
